Melody, Pat, Bernice, Lynne, Pastor Yarrington, Herb, Sandy, Marion, Richard, Jim S., Sharon, Steve and Diane H., our government and all First Responders.;
In the military: Marion's grandson & wife, Dalton, Dave Jr., Relatives & friends: Nancy's niece with MS, Richard's brother-in-law, Debra's Mom, Fawn's Father-in-law, Pat's sister, Glenn's father, Linda H.'s brother-in-law (Scott), Fawn's friend with 2 recent family deaths & husband's eye cancer, Char's neighbor with cancer, Hugo with seizures, Nancy's friend with kidney disease and cancer, Ken & Linda's friends - Tammy & Rose with cancer, friend of Aaron's mom with liver cancer, friend of the Mason's going through dialysis, Glenn's grandsons, Pat's aunt, Ron, Russ, Marion's sister, and John. Our Shut-Ins: Ellsworth, Pat, Vivian, and Lois.